Tummies Blog

Motherhood is not a competition to see who has the smartest kids, the cleanest house, the healthiest dinners, the nicest clothes… Motherhood is YOUR journey with YOUR children. “The mom brand”

Creating meals with the Tummies full of love range:

The Great Allergen Adventure

Dr Monique Piderit, RD (SA) Parents often worry about introducing allergens to their babies, but guess what? Delaying it can increase the risk of food allergies. The truth is true food allergies are less common than you might think. Preventing allergies early on can...

The Story Behind The Box

I have always had a passion for education, which led me to pursue a career in this field. Additionally, I have three wonderful children whom I adore, and I have a strong desire to educate them as well. When the Covid-19 pandemic struck and forced us to stay at home, I...

Your Ultimate “How To” portion your baby’s meals

Saving time & money with tub portioning!!
Each spoonful introduces your little one to a world of flavors and textures, laying the foundation for a lifetime

of healthy eating habits.

Lingi – a talking and singing superhero

While screen-time can hinder your child’s language progress, LINGI the superhero teaches your chatterbug over 4000 words, songs and stories through interactive play.


MommaMia: An Award-Winning App for Baby and Toddler Development In the realm of baby and toddler development, one app stands out from the crowd: MommaMia. Developed by Occupational Therapist and mother, Corien Kruger, this app is a treasure trove of over 700...


Hoekom gaan speel, leer en stimulasie hand aan hand? Ons wil graag hê ons kinders moet suksesvol wees in alles wat hul aanpak, alles wat hul gaan leer enalles wat hul gaan doen. Ons het sommer sulke lysies van wat alles aanvaarbaar is. Maar, onsvergeet dat wanneer ons...

The Journey of Toddler Sleep

By Mia Stoltz Sleep Journey Toddlerhood itself has a lot of challenges, especially when it comes to feeding and sleeping. These 2 must work together, but this is easier said than done. When you started solids at 6 months you actually (in most cases) felt, wow my baby...

Make your baby keen for some green

By Lidia de Klerk-Venter RD(SA) As a parent mastering the art of introducing solids to your baby effectively and having them enjoy the food you serve is an achievement that is worth celebrating. It can feel like a daunting task before you get started. When the initial...

Keeping constipation at bay this holiday

By Lidia de Klerk-Venter RD(SA) All is set for an amazing sunny day at the beach – you’re all dressed in your swimsuits, towels thrown over your shoulders, the sunscreen is packed, flipflops are on and the beach umbrella is pinned under dad’s arm. As the day...

Marita se hart

Marita se hart Nou ja, ek dink nie ek kan waarlik die jaar opsom, behalwe dat die jaar my ‘n paar keer tot stillstand geruk het. Ek het besef dat ons lewe soms verskillende lewensbootjies het. Ons klim oor van een, om getroud te wees, na ‘n ander, en ‘n gesin te...
My Healthy Eating Rewards Chard

My Healthy Eating Rewards Chard

When it comes to a toddler’s heating habits it can become a tricky and even picky situation. Laying down a healthy foundation from the very start tends to ease this picky behaviour towards food.  Tummies full of love and Baby Womb World have...

Dink Buite Jou Beursie

Dink Buite Jou Beursie

Dink buite jou beursie Die behoefte om vir jou kind net die beste te gee, glo ek, word ingebore. As eerste keer mamma is ek natuurlik deel van al wat ‘n mamma groep is op sosiale media. Elke nou en dan duik daar ‘n oulike voorstel op oor ‘n nuwe...

Pouch vs Spoon

Pouch vs Spoon

In the time of social media, we get bombarded with information, which makes choosing what and how to feed your baby very challenging for you as a parent. It is fundamental that your baby receives appropriate feeding as it is central to your baby’s...

Wêreld Downsindroom Dag 2020

Wêreld Downsindroom Dag 2020

Wêreld Downsindroom Dag 2020 Sy is ‘n energieke klein dogtertjie wat mal is oor die buitelewe, dans en swem. Nes dit ‘n lyfie van haar ouderdom betaam, hou sy haar ouers behoorlik op hul tone en sien die lewe as ‘n skatkis vol pret. Yolané is egter...



HEUNING   Heuning word al vir eeue lank gebruik as bestanddeel in kos, drankies, salf en medisyne. Dit word gesien as ‘n “superkos”. Wat is die verskil tussen Rou en Kommersiële heuning? Rou of organiese heuning is nie verhit, geprosesseer of...

Vesel feite vir elke mamma

Vesel feite vir elke mamma

Baie mense glo dat vesel beperk moet word in ‘n kind se dieet. Maar hierdie “growwer” gedeelte van plantaardige kosse moet juis so vroeg as moontlik deel uitmaak van ‘n baba se dieet. Hulle moet van vroegs af die verskillende teksture leer ken en...

When Nutrition Can Influence Sleep

When Nutrition Can Influence Sleep

sleep consultants we rarely advise on nutritional problems and always refer our clients to registered dieticians when we do pick up on problems as we are sleep experts after all and NOT feeding experts.  However, when we’re working together with...

When to introduce more than one meal

When to introduce more than one meal

Introducing your child to the world of food is an exciting journey for parent and child! It unlocks a whole new world of taste, texture and experimenting! For parents, it may, however, also unlock a whole new world of questions, concerns, and...

The Mommy behind the Business

The Mommy behind the Business

meet the mommy behind the business Mommy of three healthy busybodies (yes three!), which I love to bits, even though they sometimes drive me crazy Wife to a husband that is an awesome father and role model. Jip, we still dance in the kitchen on...

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